Quadrigula closteroides, the cells are grouped in 4,8, 16 or 32 and are orientated parallel to each other. The are ebedded in a mucilaginous sheath. (1) |
Quadrigula sp?, cyst??? (4) |
Quadrigula closteroides, the transparent sheath is distinct from the surrounding detritus. (1) |
Quadrigula closteroides, when the cells divide remnants of the sheath of the mother cell are visible which then will transform into mucus. (1) |
Quadrigula closteroides, specimens from (2) |
Collection of sample (2) courtesy of Uli Drabiniok |
Location: nature reserve NSG Südheide, NS, Germany (1); Nature reserve NSG Heiliges Meer, NRW, Germany, pond: "Kleinweiher "Üffings Wiese" (location 16) (2); Wuppertalsperre near Lennep-Nagelsberg, NRW, Germany, compensation reserve; pond with Utricularia / Potamogeton (4) |
Habitat: between moss of the littoral (1); plankton with detritus (2); periphyton (4) |
Date: 23.10.2010 (1); 19.11.2021 (2); 03.03.2012 |